Date published: 25 May 2023

To support a review of our EMAS ‘the Big 3: Respond, Develop and Collaborate’ journey so far, early in 2023 we invited views and experiences from staff, volunteers, partners, patients and the public. We engaged widely to explore options and ensure we are heading in the right direction.

We challenged our vision and values and concluded that they still reflect our culture as a forward thinking and caring organisation. When considering our next steps, we were acutely aware of the changing landscape of the NHS and the whole emphasis of partnership working across the whole health and social care systems. 

Thank you to everyone who responded. The thoughts and feedback shared have been invaluable and have shaped our new EMAS Strategy for 2023-2028 including five new strategic ambitions.

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Given the difficult challenges and pressures over recent years, particularly in the urgent and emergency care system, we recognised that we could not realise our new strategy alone. Much of our service delivery model is around achieving the most appropriate and suitable care for our patients within the best location. To achieve this, we acknowledged the importance of working with teams across the whole health and social care system whilst understanding that each of our divisions are unique in both the physical environment and the needs of our patients and service users.

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Chief Executive Richard Henderson said: “Behind the scenes there is a huge amount of work underway at EMAS to help us deliver our new ambitions, including plans to recruit, train and develop more people to join our Accident and Emergency, Emergency Operations Centre, Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services, Clinical Assessment, and Operational Leadership teams at EMAS.

“People keen to join Team EMAS are encouraged to keep an eye on our website and social media networks where we’ll continue to highlight job opportunities.

“The new strategy and feedback received during the Shaping EMAS Strategy engagement, is supporting our senior leaders to develop new sub-strategies eg Clinical Strategy, and divisional delivery plans, thereby ensuring we all align what we do and how we do it with our EMAS ambitions.

“We recognise that the only way for us to solve some of our current challenges will be to influence and support outside of our own four walls, working across boundaries, in collaboration and partnership with other health and care providers; we cannot work in isolation.

“Throughout the year we will be raising awareness of the work underway and seeking views and contributions to keep us progressing.

“In summary, the EMAS Strategy 2023-2028 offers us exciting opportunities to transform the way we deliver care, further develop our organisation and our partnerships, which in turn will improve the outcomes for our patients and the lives of the people we serve.”