General enquiries

Call 0115 919 3399

Freedom of Information (FOI) and Subject Access requests (SAR)

For requests for non-personal information, please email and visit the Freedom of Information section for further details. 

For requests for personal information, please email and visit the Your Information section for further details.

Details for when the police want to request information – email

Details for when solicitors want to request information – email

Patient Transport Service (Derbyshire, Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire)

Call the booking line on 0300 300 3434.


For invoice enquiries contact our accounts payable department email

Further details can be found in the Doing business with EMAS section.

Recruitment (jobs, apprenticeships and career queries)    

Call 0115 919 3399 and select the 'Recruitment' option. You can also email

Research and innovation

Call 01522 832610 or

Compliments and complaints

Email or call 0333 012 4216 (local rate). Please make sure you provide the date, time and location of the emergency incident your call relates to so that we can identify the incident efficiently.

Below is a Google map which shows the location of our trust headquarters: 

Or write to us

East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Trust Headquarters
1 Horizon Place
Mellors Way
Nottingham Business Park

You might be able to find what you are looking for elsewhere on our website. Please visit the quick links below or search using the box at the top of the page.