Date published: 9 October 2023

When a pregnant mother suddenly started experiencing rapid contractions with just her two-year-old at home, ambulance crews arrived in minutes to discover a serious birth complication.

Becky Smithson, from Thrapston in Northamptonshire, found herself having to phone 999 just 30 minutes after her waters broke, realising her daughter would likely be born before her husband, Callum, could make it home from Cambridge.

Labour started at 2.15pm, with contractions coming every two minutes. Having phoned for an ambulance 30 minutes later, Becky managed to make it downstairs to open the door before her husband arrived at the same time as Tahlia Feasey and Josh Miller from East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS), shortly followed by Sarah-Jayne Parsons and Jon Channon from East of England Ambulance Service (EEAST).

Realising Becky was experiencing shoulder dystocia, a serious birth complication where the baby’s shoulder becomes stuck, crews immediately moved her into an optimum position and Imogen was safely born at 3.29pm, a little over one hour since the first contraction.

The team had the opportunity to reunite with the happy parents at their home on Monday 18 September, where little Imogen was presented with a paramedic teddy bear by Sarah-Jayne.

Becky said: “It was very interesting to hear their version of events as in my mind it all went really fast and smoothly. I didn’t realise how serious things were at one point when baby’s head was out, but her shoulder was stuck. They remained very calm and reassuring throughout.

It was really lovely to see the crew again they are such wonderful, kind and genuine people. Sarah also bought Imogen a paramedic crochet bear which will be a memento of her wild entrance to the world, and incredibly thoughtful. 

“The paramedics that day were true angels, and I will be forever grateful for their knowledge and care.”

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